Summer Saga: Misconceptions About Wine (Part 4)

09/09/2019 | Non classé

We end the summer and with the saga on the received ideas about wine …

In June, we talked about: the deposit is a defect / Champagne is served in cups or flutes / agood wine is necessarily expensive. (June 2019 article: misconceptions about wine, Part 1)

As a reminder, in July, it was about: old wines are better than young wines / There are only red wines that age in barrels / White wine is only made with white grapes (article of July 2019: the received ideas about wine, 2nd part)

In August, we zoomed in on Cheese = Red wine / Un organic wine does not contain sulfite / Old wines are more tannic than young wines (Article of August 2019: the received ideas on the in, 3rd part)

This time, we will zoom in on 3 topics:

  • Foreign wines are worse than French wines
  • The vintage is mandatory on a wine label
  • Sweet white wine is perfect for aperitifs

Misconception n°10. Foreign wines are worse than French wines

It's not true! First of all it is important to understand that it is above all a story of taste specific to each of us! So a wine that is good for someone is not necessarily good for someone else.

Obviously, French wines are recognized all over the world for their quality and diversity. This does not mean that there are no good wines past the French border. Then you will have understood, be curious and taste local! You may be pleasantly surprised…

Misconception n°11. The vintage is necessarily displayed on the label of a bottle of wine

False! Many people believe that the vintage is mandatory information to display on the label of a bottle, but think again! The vintage is additional information, not mandatory. To claim the year of his vintage, the winegrower must have harvested at least 85% of the grapes during the year contained in the bottle in question.

Ireceived n°12. Sweet white wine is perfect for aperitifs

And no, it's not! For an extremely simple reason: sugar will saturate your taste buds which will hardly allow you to appreciate the following wines and your dish. It may even cut off your appetite! So for the sweet wait for the dessert instead 🙂

That's it, our saga of the summer ends but see you soon on our blog for new news!


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Article found on the net: The wines of Menetou-Salon, in great shape for their sixty years

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